Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Whoever stands against ME, his Creator, will never find peace!
- Message No. 648 -
My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Our light illuminates the earth, for the light has been given to you by Me, your Father in Heaven. My Son, your Jesus, carries it into the hearts of all Our children, but you must let it shine, feel it within you, and not allow it to be "extinguished" by darkness brought to you by the devil!
My children. The devil does not want anything good for you. He wants to be like ME, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much, but this can never be and will never be. He knows no love, but hatred and envy, arrogance and vanity! He is the fallen angel Lucifer, banished from the heavenly spheres for all eternity. His anger and hatred have made him what he is: the prince of darkness, filled with hatred and restlessness. Never is he satisfied, for he knows not contentment.
Whoever stands against ME, his Creator, will never find peace. Never will he be in peace or love, and hatred will eat him up from within. Darkness will surround him more and more, and his inside, his soul, will suffer deepest pain, because the natural state of the soul is love, and in peace it rests, but whoever detaches himself from ME, from his Father, will lose this love, and unrest and distress will befall the soul. It suffers, and only My Son can heal it, because HE IS the Merciful Jesus, your Savior, your Redeemer, and His love is infinite and the most precious thing that can happen to your soul.
Arise, then, to My Son! Renounce the devil and all his temptations! Be completely with Me and My Son and listen to what the Mother Mary tells you again and again. Find your way to Jesus, because HE paves the way to ME for you. Amen.
Your loving Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥