Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 16, 2015
...beautiful words of peace and communion...!
- Message No. 815 -
My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: You must find your way to Jesus, My beloved children, for otherwise you will perish in the mire of lies that are presented to you and that make you believe that everything is good as it is, and those who are coming are those who want good for you.
My children. You let yourselves be lulled by lies, hear beautiful words of peace and community, but you do not see how you are being manipulated and do not look behind the scenes. You see only fragments of a whole that you can not or do not want to grasp. If you would trust in My Son, if you would listen to the word in Our messages, then you would have recognized long ago that it is just these people who speak sweet words and want to lull you into "harmony", that it is these people who instigate your wars in order to then present themselves as bringers of peace, and who bring so much disaster to you and your world, because they pay homage to the devil and are driven by evil through and through.
My children. Open your eyes, your ears and your heart, because what is presented to you is lies and deceit! Their camouflage is good, since the devil has been working for a long time to implement his plans. He is cunning and master of all tricks and deceptions, but, My beloved children, if only you would trust in Jesus, you would recognize the lie!
My children. Jesus is your way. So find to HIM before it is too late and pray, My children, so that the worst plans will not become feasible! Your prayer is strong! Your prayer has power! Through prayer you create hope, and you come very close to My Son.
Pray, My children, for in prayer is the power you need to get through this end of times. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Listen to My call in these messages, for they are for your salvation."
"Prayer is your weapon in this battle against evil. Use it. Amen."
Source: ➥