Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
- Message No. 884 -
My child. My dear child. Come back to Me as soon as you can. I am waiting for you. Your mother in heaven. Amen.
My child. Please tell the children today to convert, because only by their conversion will they find Jesus, only by renouncing the world here, which holds so many dangers for you, your soul, and which you do not recognize as such, because the devil has "drilled" into you over decades and hundreds that it is good and "normal" to live sinfully, and you now mostly (with very few exceptions! ) don't even recognize it as sin, but really feel it as completely normal and just because of that you live in such great danger for your salvation, because the devil has lied to you, created a world of appearance for you, in which the truth is concealed or twisted and suppressed and in which there are more seductions and pleasures than the preparation for your salvation, because the devil is cunning and leads you straight into his hell - in which so many of you living in this time do not (want to)believe anymore - and this, my children, will cost you your eternity at the Father's side, because whoever follows the devil -CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY- will be lost to him, but whoever gets up, renounces the world of seduction here, gives his YES to Jesus and begins to live his life with HIM, to him the glory will be revealed, and he will become happy and uplifted.
My children. There is not much time left! Convert now and give your YES to Jesus, so that you will not be lost and will obtain eternity at the side of the Lord and Father.
Wait no longer, for soon mercy will give way to justice, and then, My beloved children, it will be too late for you. Amen. So be it.
Convert. There is no other way than Jesus to the Father. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥