Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 4, 2015
Consecrate yourselves to Me, no matter what you have done!
- Message No. 1061 -

Please write, My daughter, and tell the children of the earth how great is My love for them.
My mercy I give to each one of you who asks for it, My love and My care, the shaping of his life.
Ask Me, beloved children, and I give you. I gift you with much more than you could ever ask for, so give Me your YES, consecrate yourselves to Me, whether you are married, single, "religious" or "ordinary", My children, consecrate yourselves to Me, and your life will be gifted with unexpected riches!
Consecrate yourselves to Me, beloved children, no matter what you have done, have omitted, whether you are poor, whether you are rich, consecrate yourselves to Me, and I promise to endow you with My riches of a uniqueness that no one living on earth could ever expect.
Consecrate yourselves to Me, beloved children, and your lives will take a positive turn.
Consecrate yourselves to Me and become completely My brothers and sisters, worthy to come before the Father.
Consecrate yourselves to Me, beloved children, and find yourselves completely to Me. I, your Jesus who loves you so much, am always there for you, and I promise you: No soul that longs for Me will I ever leave alone. It will be lifted up and live in the glory of the Father. I will take her to My New Kingdom, which will now soon come, and she will live happily, fulfilled and full of joy.
So consecrate yourselves to Me, beloved children, and give yourselves completely to Me. I, your merciful Jesus, long for your love for Me and promise that My love will always embrace you.
Consecrate yourselves to Me, beloved children, and your life will take a positive course. Amen.
With the most intimate love, your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of you and the world. Amen.
Make this known. My child. It is very important.
Source: ➥