Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
"Time is running out for you! Amen."
- Message No. 1134 -
My child. My dear child. Time is running out. Tell the children of the earth to convert, please tell them. Amen.
Convert, beloved children of My Heart, because soon Jesus will come, and you must be ready for Him! Repent, otherwise it will be too late for you! My call is urgent, because the time you have left is short.
Convert and become true disciples of My Son. In this way you will not be lost and you will survive (unharmed) the times of the storm that is about to break loose. Those who are very close to the heart of My Son have nothing to fear when the abominations now break loose.
Take courage and keep praying, beloved children, who are also so close to My heart, for your prayer is needed most urgently and more than ever to hold off the worst and put a stop to the angry beast that will soon appear (before you).
Always have in mind that the worst is yet to come and that God the Father will allow only so much that His flock will not be lost under the regime of the Antichrist and False Prophet, who will soon show their true faces after they have led you-so many of you-astray and into a corner, and you are well on your way to hell, for that is where they want to lead you, despite ostensibly "good deeds." This regency, which will soon want to "unite" the whole world, has only one thing in mind (serves only the one purpose): Your enslavement to the devil, who wants to drag you, who have not listened to Us, into the abyss and (thus) his kingdom of hell.
So be alert, turn back and be ready: Jesus will come to lift you up, but you must decide for HIM. Amen.
Wake up from your slumber, because the (alleged) peace that is offered to you. is false. Pray, for only your prayer can hold back the worst, and the Father's heart will soften it (prayer), who will put a stop to it. in which HE, the Almighty, will shorten the end.
Pray that you may not perish (also for your brothers and sisters in the Lord). Amen.
Go now. Make these messages known. Time is running out for you. Amen.
Your/your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
The messages come as they are needed. Amen.
Source: ➥