Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 31, 2020
A game that will cost you eternity!
- Message No. 1231 -
My child. The times are darkening, but you do not see it. You think everything would go on like this, but it does not. You are blinded by false information, by talking in a nice way and misleading yourselves, but you don't notice that either. You let happen and think that everything takes its course, but this run is a run against time, because the devil and his henchmen do everything for it to lead you behind the light. They stir up hatred and provoke misery, they lie and cheat, they pretend to do good and to be good, but look behind the scenes, beloved children that you are, because it is all just a game, which, if you play along, will cost you eternity at home with the Father!
That's what the evil one is all about, and he doesn't care what he has to do for it and, unfortunately, it's also an easy thing to do, because so many of the earth's children follow him, go into his net, into his tentacles, or simply care about themselves and their well-being, with which they have again gone into the devil's net.
Children, wake up! Don't you see it? The evil game that the devil is playing with you has long since taken on proportions that are irreparable unless you repent, beg forgiveness and CHANGE!
'You must find to Jesus, MY Son, because only HE is THE WAY to ME, to your Father in eternity, only HE leads you into the eternal glory, and only with HIM and through HIM you will attain the Kingdom of Heaven.
So listen to MY call of repentance before it is too late. I, your Father in Heaven, love you so much, but you hurt Me very much, and I forgive you if you take the path of repentance.
I love you, MY beloved children that you are. MY Son, your Jesus, is THE ONLY WAY to ME. Amen.' God the Father Almighty spoke.
Our Lady: My child. Write. It has been God the Father who spoke to you.
My children. My children so loved by Me. I, your Jesus, AM THE WAY to the Father. So turn back before it is too late.
The deceit and the lies of those who follow Satan are becoming more and more, greater and greater, and soon, very soon, your whole world will be contaminated with them.
There are still people who stand against it, and large parts of your earth are spared. But there are too few who really believe in Me, in their Jesus, and even fewer who follow Me. That is why it is so important that you repent and pray, My children. Pray for those whom I, your Jesus, have chosen to enlighten large parts of the earth. There are many chosen souls who diligently do their work for Me, for their Jesus and yours, but you must pray for them, and spread the light that I make shine through them in many parts of your world. In this way it spreads all over your planet, and more and more children can and will find Me.
I love you very much. Go into the world and talk about Me, about your Jesus, so that many more may repent and find Me. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus, who I Am, with God the Father, the Most High, and Mary, your Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Many are My children whom I have chosen so that the world and faith may not be lost. Amen.
Source: ➥