Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 14, 2020
A YES is sufficient...
- Message No. 1233 -

My child. My beloved daughter. I, your Jesus, am suffering greatly. The apostasy in your world is great, and more and more My children are going astray. I love them very much, but they are going far away from Me. They do not know Me and thus seek self-fulfillment, which distances them more and more from Me, from their Jesus.
No one is able to find the true fulfillment. Only through Me, your Jesus, can a soul experience true fulfillment. Without Me, My beloved children, you are walking on paths of aberrations. You must find your way to Me, to your Jesus, otherwise you will never experience true, everlasting happiness, and the glory that only My Father can give you will remain hidden from you forever.
Self-realization has never brought anyone close to Me. Only through repentance do you reach Me. Only through your YES to Me, can I help you to find Me, your Jesus. This YES can be supported with much prayer.
So pray, My beloved children, for those who do not yet know Me. Pray, My children, for those who have not yet found Me, their Jesus. Pray, My children, for those who are going astray. And pray, My children, for your world so that the light of those who truly know Me may shine over your entire earth, and more and more may find Me, their Jesus. Only those who find to Me, to their Jesus, will not get lost. Only he who truly loves Me will have nothing to fear. His soul I protect, and he will enter My Kingdom as soon as the time has come.
So pray for the conversion of all children, that they may find Me and give Me their YES. One YES is enough for Me to begin to work, but this YES should always be repeated. The more often a soul, a person, says YES to Me, the faster it, the soul, the person, will find Me. The more this soul is prayed for, the greater the miracles I will perform in it, the soul.
So pray for those who are not yet with Me, that they may give Me their YES to be prepared for My return. Amen.
I love you, and I thank you.
Your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father. Redeemer of all God's children and Savior of the world. Amen.
Source: ➥