Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 16, 2020
Do not be afraid, for My Son, your Jesus, is with you!
- Message No. 1237 -

I, your Jesus, guide you through this time!
My child. My dear child. I, your holy Mother in Heaven, have come to you to tell you the following:
Do not be afraid, beloved children that you are, for My Son, your Jesus, is with you.
Do not be afraid, My beloved little ones, for I, your Jesus, hear your prayers. The Father, My and your Heavenly Father, will put a stop to it, but you must continue to pray, My little ones.
Many of My true children assail Heaven with prayer. They have not given up hope, nor have they become weak in their faith. More than that, the opposite is the case, and there is great joy in Heaven, beloved children that you are, My beloved little ones! I love you very much. Thank you for responding to My call.
Prayer, beloved children that you are, is the strongest weapon you have! So use it especially in these days! The Father, My and your Father who loves you so much, will put a stop to it, and I, your Jesus, will be there for you, for each one of you who truly loves Me, his Jesus!
So spread My love and give hope where it is still dark. Now is the time to find Me in deep and intimate faith!
Unite in prayer, beloved children that you are, and give hope where it is so desperately needed. I, your Jesus, guide you through this time, and each one who gives Me his YES will not be lost.
So spread My message, beloved children that you are, and give hope where there is no light yet. You will see how many children find Me in the greatest time of crisis. I give you support and confidence, hope and joy.
So unite in prayer, at the times you know, and celebrate your Holy Masses as you are able.
I love you very much, beloved children that you are. Trust in Me, in your Jesus, for I will not leave you alone. Amen.
Storm Heaven with prayer, My little ones.
Your Jesus, who I Am and always will be. Amen.
My child. My Son speaks the true word. More and more children are using prayer. They invoke the Father and use the intercession of the saints at His throne. Your prayer is so important, beloved children that you are, and through your intense prayer, you will experience relief.
I love you very much. Keep up your masses and unite in prayer. You know the times, My children, and you have opportunities to receive My Son spiritually as well. So make use of prayer and Holy Masses, even if they come from afar, because in many places you are no longer allowed to attend them.
Pray, My children, pray so that the Easter celebrations may remain for you. Amen.
Your prayer changes, beloved children that you are. It changes and gives you support and confidence. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption, with Jesus, My Son who loves you so much. Amen.
Source: ➥