Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Feast of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Hello my dearest Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You. Thank You, Jesus for Holy Mass this morning, for Holy Communion and for the beautiful liturgy today. Happy Feast day, Most Blessed Trinity, Divine God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in You, adore You and praise You my God and I love You with my entire heart. All that I have is Yours, Lord and all that I am is Yours. Thank You for creating me, for my family and my friends.
Lord, please heal all who have suffered traumatic experiences, especially those who were victims of violence. I say ‘were’ Lord because I believe You are triumphant over all forms of evil. Deliver us, oh Lord. Heal all who suffer from illness and chronic conditions. I pray especially for (names withheld) and all who have cancer, autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, renal failure, Alzheimer’s, and are paralyzed. Lord, I pray also for our youth that they will be free from sin and will draw close to Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please send us legions of angels to protect us from evil and may all the saints in Heaven intercede before the throne of God for those of us living in this time. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. This is the age prophesied by many of My saints and holy ones. You are living in the time of great spiritual darkness and sin. This is the time I call all of My little children to holiness. Graces are poured out from Heaven to assist you in these perilous times. Pray for these graces. Open your hearts to My love and the gifts I wish to give you to provide you with every spiritual defense needed. Keep the Word of God on your lips and in your hearts, avail yourselves of the Sacraments and continue to pray, especially within your families. Do not fear. Above all, love. Love even your enemies or those who consider you to be an enemy. This sounds strange to some of My holy little ones who do not consider anyone an enemy, but I tell you there are many who consider you to be theirs (enemy). Pray for all to come to know My love. Pray for those who are steeped in darkness that they may come to the Light. Make sacrifices for them and offer all suffering to save souls. Cooperate with Me, My children for the salvation of souls. By doing so, many graces are provided to souls in darkness.”
“Be not afraid, I am with you My children. Live the Gospel. Welcome the stranger, comfort the afflicted. There will be many opportunities to do so in the coming days. Treat each person as if it were Me, your Jesus. All are made in My image and likeness and so bear the image of God on their souls. Treat all with patience, love, respect and also with joy. If you entertained Me in your homes, you would welcome Me with warmth and love. You would offer Me your finest food and your favorite chair. Do this for your neighbor and those who are ‘strangers’. Give the best out of love and in this way, you are showing your love for Me. Pray for those in darkness and if they refuse to listen to your words of truth, do not become upset or dismayed. Plant seeds of light and love, of truth and joy and do not feel personally rejected. Remember, I was and still am rejected and I am God. Be patient, as I am patient with you. See to My plans, My Will and allow Me to take care of your needs and your concerns. Focus on the Age of Obedience that will surely come. Focus on Me, the Light of the World. When one looks at a brightly lit fire, one does not notice the darkness or the cold. One appreciates the light and warmth of the fire in the midst of the darkness. Appreciate all that is good in your lives. Even those who suffer tremendous trials, have something good in their lives. I am the author of all that is good. Keep your eyes on Me, My Children of Light, Children of the Living God. I am at work even though it does not appear to be so. I am God and I remain in control. I want the best for you, My little children. Be at peace. Follow Me.”
“Ask for My direction and listen to My voice alive in your heart. Do not listen to the murmuring of the evil one who turns neighbor against neighbor, calls good evil and evil good. Do not listen when he whispers or even shouts words of condemnation or self-hatred to you. These words do not come from the living water, but from the evil abyss. I whisper words of wisdom, love, truth and light. Learn to recognize My voice and reject the voices of the evil one and his minions. I speak life into your heart and soul and wisdom and clarity into your beautiful minds. Pray and seek My Will each and every day. Set about to serve the Most High God. Do not waste time pursuing the things of this world, My children. Be prepared spiritually and seek the Kingdom of God. Yes, one must earn a living to provide for oneself and one’s family. I am not saying you are to be irresponsible, only that too many of My children focus on worldly pursuits, forms of entertainment, and every type of distraction available in this Age of Disobedience. My children live in the world and yet remain apart because of their pursuit of holiness. This does not mean to separate yourselves from everyone who is different. If this were the case, how would My children evangelize those who do not know Me. Live holy lives of joy and peace. Forgive your enemies and be kind to them. This is the way they will see God in you, by your love, forgiveness and your joy. You must remain close to Me in prayer and in the Sacraments of My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and in this way, you will be open to My direction. I will teach you wisdom and you will discern spirits and know exactly what to do. If someone in your presence is not living in My Light and they are in error; ask Me what you should say and I will tell you.”
“My little lamb, you did this when you encountered someone living a sinful lifestyle who began telling you her false belief system that is a common error in your age. This soul is not being truthful with her own conscience which was formed in light and truth. She has numbed her conscience and now follows darkness and pagan beliefs. Do not be distressed. You feel you did not know what to say to her. Do you recall that you prayed before speaking?”
Yes, Lord. I did pray and I waited for Your direction. I sensed a prompting to speak and I don’t recall what I said, only that it didn’t seem to have the effect it would have if Your Spirit spoke through me. I am sorry if I let You down, Lord or spoke too hastily.
“My child, My child, My little child, the words you said were from Me. The affect was deep. She did not welcome these words, this is true, but they were words her soul needed to receive. You could not remain silent when she said such errors against life and the love. Thank you for waiting for My gentle prompting. The timing was exactly what was needed. My little lamb, do not be concerned but entrust all to Me. Souls in such deep need, souls who have been deeply wounded, need time, patience and great love to heal. Healing will be slow in this case for there are many wounds layered and layered upon suffering, pain and trauma. Be at peace. I know what is needed. I will provide through you and through other souls like you. All will be well.”
Thank You, my good and gracious Lord. You are so gentle and tender with wounded souls.
“Always bring these souls to Me, My daughter and present them to Me. This act of kindness, thoughtfulness and love increases the graces and opens their hearts to receive them. There is little concern for others in this Age of Disobedience, but for those who show concern much will be accomplished through them. The love of My children will convert the souls of many. Do not be afraid to show love to those who do not live righteous lives, for they need My love the most. Love them and do not judge them. Leave the judgement to the Most Holy Trinity. You show love and mercy. Live the Gospel and be Christ bearers. Together, we will continue to reach souls. Ask My Most Holy Mother to intercede for you and to help you. She will guide you and watch over you as She does all of Her children. My child, be confident in My love for you and your family. I have not forgotten the mission given to you and it remains unchanged. Trust in Me in all things.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“I love you, My child. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My little lamb.”
Lord, please help us. We are being inundated with rain, flooding and forecasts of more and more rain with no end in sight. Will you please give us more days of sunshine and dryness? We are grateful for rain, Lord but the farmers cannot plant crops. There is an outbreak of a virus in swine and it is spreading throughout Asia. Lord, I know You are in control and know what is best for us. It seems as if we may have famine, Lord if You don’t help us. Lord, please help the farmers and all who are hungry and in need of food. Prevent a worldwide famine, please God.
“My child you are aware that famines are coming upon the world due to the violence against My little ones in the womb, and violence against children and My beautiful, holy elderly children. This sinfulness cannot continue for it deeply offends God. My heart was wounded for these transgressions and in order to protect more souls from falling into hell, My withdrawal of help will cause more people to pray. I have been asking for more prayers for years. Even My own children do not take Me seriously. When I don’t act immediately, they cease praying or lessen the frequency of their prayers. The early Church prayed many times a day giving the best times of day to Me, seeking direction and offering praise to the Father. My people no longer pray in earnest and no longer have respect for God. Times of famine and hardship bring souls back to God. Pray, My children. Pray.”
Yes, Lord. I understand. We will pray more, Lord. I am sorry we have failed to respond to Your requests. Jesus, help us to pray with hearts full of love and trust. Forgive me of my sins and for the times I have been distracted in prayer by so many things. Give me the graces I need, sweet Jesus to be the person You want me to be. I love You, Lord. Help me to love You more. I trust You my God. Help me to trust You more.
“Yes, My little lamb. It will be so. Do not be afraid. Walk forward with confidence. You know what your goal is and where your life’s journey will lead, so be of good cheer and be at peace. I am with you and we face the future together.”
Thank You, my adorable Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you.” (smiling)
Amen! Alleluia!
“I have set My seal upon your heart, as you requested in your youth. You are Mine and I am yours. All is well.”
Praise Your Holy Name, my Lord and Savior, my God and King. Thank You, Jesus.
Source: ➥