Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 23, 2018
Do not accept the mark of the beast, nor the changes in the Catholic Church!
- Message No. 1199 -
My child. My dear child. Your world is in upheaval. You are already seeing it. You must not accept the changes that are now beginning -as in some places have already begun(!)-!
Your holy masses shall be desecrated, AND THAT MUST NOT BE!
The chip, THE SIGN OF THE BEAST, shall be transplanted into you(!), this must not happen!
Never accept the mark of the beast, for it will lead you into perdition! It will conquer you, even those of you who think that you are strong enough, strong in faith, strong in love for My Son, strong enough to resist modern technology and will use it only for you and your advantage, strong enough to resist, should, despite your mistaken belief that it is only a chip(! ), Our predictions come true, strong enough to remain uninfluenceable, strong enough to be able to take on the devil at any time -my children, the list of your "excuses" for accepting the chip is long and seems endless, when it comes to especially, already here and now, believing Our Word, AND STICKING TO IT!
You will perish, beloved children, if you accept the chip, because it contains the sign of evil, and whoever accepts this will be defeated. He will be lost, and My Son can do nothing for him! By accepting the chip, you will enter into an alliance with the devil, whether you are aware of it or not. You will be exposed to him, to him and his elite, and you will become his puppets.
So listen to Our Word and be warned, beloved children, because the devil works with cunning and trickery, he deceives and never tells you the truth. All that comes from him are untruths presented in partial truths, so that you fall for him!
Be warned, beloved children, because the evil game has already begun, and the one who plays it will be lost. So do not accept the chip, the mark of the beast, nor the changes in the Catholic Church.
The body of Christ, My Son, is being desecrated. He is desecrated and woe to him who lets this happen and looks away, let it be said to you: you are lukewarm and deceive Jesus! You are not worthy to be taken into the New Kingdom!
You must fight, My children, fight for your Jesus! Do not allow His Church to be desecrated, but stand up and rise for HIM, for your Savior!
Once the Holy Eucharist is desecrated, most difficult times will begin for Our children. Therefore, arise now and pray, My children.
Pray and implore to Heaven, may the Father have mercy! Always ask for the shortening of the end and pray for mitigation, beloved children. The elite has evil in store for you, and only through your prayer does the Father hold back the very worst!
So pray, My children, pray and rise up for Jesus, your Jesus! Amen.
In deep love I remain, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Things are bad in your world, beloved children that you are, and only through prayer and atonement, repentance and faithfulness to My Son will you be able to persevere. Amen.
I love you very much. Amen.
Josep de Calassanç: The children are your future. Take care of them, and teach them about Jesus and the commandments of God, Our Father, so that they will not be lost. Amen.
Rosalie: Love your children. Amen. ALWAYS love them. AMEN.
Source: ➥