Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 4, 2018
The end will come with a swiftness that none of you expect!
- Message No. 1200 -
My child. My dear child. Tell the children of the earth to pray, for much prayer is needed in these days that are gloomy and veiled. The end will come with a swiftness that no one expects from you. You must pray, My children, and you must remain faithful and devoted to Jesus.
So much disaster is in your world, and the devil is now doing everything he can to present his dark works to you as quickly as possible. He sees himself almost at the finish line, but beloved children, PRAY YOUR PRAYER AGAINST THE EVIL WORKS. That is why your prayer is so extremely important, because it keeps the devil at bay, his plans up and back, and thwarts his cruel goal realizations.
My children. My children so beloved by Me. You must remain faithful and devoted to Jesus, My Son! You must pray and you must stand up for Him! The last days, the last time, will be hard for Our children, but you must persevere and fight for Jesus!
Your prayer is the weapon that holds back the evil one. It is the weapon that makes you defeat the devil. At the same time, it gives you strength and fortifies you. It gives you perseverance and trust in and in My Son!
Always ask Us for help, for it will be given to you, and pray, My children, pray: In the intentions of My Son, in yours, for shortening and mitigating the end, the end times, and for assistance, help and clarity!
Always ask the Holy Spirit for clarity and purity and for lifting, dissolving, the veils of the fog of aberration and confusion! The devil has permeated your world with his veils of fog, and it is difficult for Our children to still see with clarity.
Ask and pray to the Holy Spirit daily, My children, so that you may remain clear and pure and not fall prey to the great confusion of today. So much falsehood, intrigue, deceit and misbelief has been spread by the evil one that it is difficult for you to discern the truth.
Only who is completely with My Son will not fall prey to worldly confusion, therefore pray, My children, and be guided by My Son. Trust in HIM, defend HIM, and give HIM your YES again and again!
Your covenant with Jesus should always be renewed, because the devil does not sleep, and he tempts you wherever he can. Therefore don't say lukewarm you are with Jesus, if you don't pray to HIM daily and again and again, surrender to HIM, give yourself to HIM and don't stand up for HIM! There are so many lukewarm among you, and you run the greatest danger,My children, if you persist in your lukewarmness!
So stand up for Jesus, and stand up for HIM! Pray and give yourselves to Him every day! Pray the prayers We have given you in these messages, for they are for these end times and save souls, My children!
Pray Our rosaries and pray at the times We have given you! Do not distract yourselves, but pray when you have time off, when you go to sleep, when you drive, when you go for a walk, when you wake up at night.... There are constant opportunities to pray for you, My children, so use prayer for yourselves, for your loved ones and for the salvation of so many more souls!
Use prayer in the fight against the evil one. "Paralyze" the devil and his actions BY YOUR PRAYER(!) and persevere, My children, persevere. The day of warning is not far, and the end is drawing nearer and nearer.
Be ready, My children. Be ready and do not sleep away! Whoever is not prepared will not survive the warning! He who is not ready, not faithful, not worthy of his Savior, will not know the New Kingdom. The gates will remain closed for him, and his torment will seem endless.
Be ready, My children, so that you will not be lost!
Pray, My children, and prepare yourselves! Amen.
In deep maternal love I remain, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
"Whoever is not ready, whoever continues to sleep, whoever is lukewarm and does not pray, for him it will soon be too late. Amen.
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