Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Miracles upon Miracles Happen!
- Message No. 1428 -
Message from January 25, 2024
My child. Thank you for coming today.
My child. It is very important that the children prepare themselves. The planned abominations are coming to pass, and Our children are not praying (enough)!
Many of Our children do not pray at all, but those of you who pray, be told:
My Son, your Jesus, looks with a merciful heart on all His beloved children, and HE loves each one of you very much. So the merciful eyes of the Father also look upon you, and His protective hand is sure to protect you.
But I, your Mother in heaven, ask you and all the children: Pray more, pray more fervently, pray with a contrite heart.
The act of reparation of the 7 Hail Marys brings so much change! People are being converted IN ALL LEVELS (!), and so miracle after miracle is happening, My children!
With every heart that converts, the devil can bring less abomination upon you!
With every person who comes to Jesus, the devil's power is weakened!
So pray for conversion and pray the 7 Hail Marys, for they bring about the miracles of your present time! (Prayer no. 43 to BS 1393)
Pray My rosaries!
Supplicate for mitigation and shortening of the time to the Father!
The Father hears your prayers, but they must come from the heart and be sincere!
Ask the Holy Spirit DAILY for protection, clarity and guidance so that you do not fall prey to the great confusion and the resulting aberration!
You MUST pray, and you must be prepared, beloved children.
I, your Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so, for no child do We wish to see lost, and We are concerned, very concerned, for your salvation.
So listen to My call and pray now what I, your Mother in Heaven, Jesus and the Father ask of you. Amen.
Your and all of your mothers in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
Do not wait for what has been predicted to happen, for then it will be too late for your conversion. You will err and fall, and your soul will experience the greatest suffering.
Do not feel safe in your comfortable material world. It will pass away, but Jesus remains!
So find HIM, convert and pray. Amen.
Only your conversion will lead you on the way to Jesus.
Whoever does not convert will not come to know Jesus. His soul will fall to the adversary, and it will be lost and experience eternal suffering.
Repent! Do not be lukewarm! Do not rest in your comfortable world of luxury! All is but a sham, beloved children that you are, and when the veils of mist are lifted, well be he who has recognized in time and found Jesus. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven and an angel of the Lord, with many saints and holy angels, apostles, John and Mary Magdalene present. The Father and Jesus are also present. Amen.
You can make atonement for the conversion of the erring and apostate children. For this I give you instructions that you can perform easily and daily. It is effective, so use it, because: The more children convert, the milder the end will be. The devil will not be able to achieve his goals and will therefore NEVER reach his actual goal!
(Note: The Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.)
Commit this act of atonement with a loving, fervent and imploring heart. The more children convert, the milder the end times will be.
The more atonement you offer up to Jesus and the Father, the greater the effect.
Your mother in heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥